Half or full core-hole in density functional theory X-ray absorption spectrum calculations of water?
Hamilton's equations for a fluid membrane
Hamilton's equations for a fluid membrane: axial symmetry
Hamiltonian and Potentials in Derivative Pricing Models: Exact Results and Lattice Simulations
Hamiltonian Dynamics of the Protein Chain and Normal Modes of Alpha-Helix and Beta-Sheet
Hamiltonian traffic dynamics in microfluidic-loop networks
Hanbury Brown-Twiss Interferometry for Fractional and Integer Mott Phases
Hard biaxial ellipsoids revisited: numerical results
Hard colloidal rods near a soft wall: wetting, drying, and symmetry breaking
Hard discs under steady shear: comparison of Brownian dynamics simulations and mode coupling theory
Hard sphere crystallization gets rarer with increasing dimension
Hard Sphere Dynamics for Normal and Granular Fluids
Hard sphere fluids in annular wedges: density distributions and depletion potentials
Hard-sphere solids near close packing: Testing theories for crystallization
Harmonic lattice behavior of two-dimensional colloidal crystals
Harmonic Order Parameters for Characterizing Complex Particle Morphologies
Harmonically confined, semiflexible polymer in a channel: response to a stretching force and spatial distribution of the endpoints
Hartree-Fock treatment of the two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
Healing Length and Bubble Formation in DNA
Heat capacity at the glass transition