Saddle-splay elasticity and field induced soliton in nematics
Saddle-splay modulus of a particle-laden fluid interface
Saddle-splay term induced orientational instability in nematic liquid crystal cells and director fluctuations at substrates
Saddles in the energy landscape: extensivity and thermodynamic formalism
Saffman-Taylor instability in a non-Brownian suspension: finger selection and destabilization
Salt Modulated Structure of Polyelectrolyte-Macroion Complex Fibers
Salt-induced changes of colloidal interactions in critical mixtures
Salt-induced collapse and reexpansion of highly charged flexible polyelectrolytes
Salt-Induced Counterion-Mobility Anomaly in Polyelectrolyte Electrophoresis
Sample-to-sample fluctuations of electrostatic forces generated by quenched charge disorder
Sample-to-sample torque fluctuations in a system of coaxial randomly charged surfaces
Sandpile formation by revolving rivers
Sandpile Models of Self-Organized Criticality
Sandpiles on fractal bases: pile shape and phase segregation
SANN: A parameter-free nearest-neighbor algorithm
Scale competition in nonlinear Schrodinger models
Scale invariance and universality of force networks in static granular matter
Scale invariance in coarsening of binary and ternary fluids
Scale-dependence of Elastic Constants in the Decoupled Lamellar Phase of Tethered Crystalline Membranes
Scale-dependent rigidity of polymer-ornamented membranes