A New Class of Magnetoresistance Oscillations: Interaction of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Leaky Interface Phonons
A new class of solutions of the DMPK equation
A new collective mode in the fractional quantum Hall liquid
A New Dual-Material Double-Gate (DMDG) Nanoscale SOI MOSFET - Two-dimensional Analytical Modeling and Simulation
A new electromagnetic mode in graphene
A new experimental approach for the exploration of topological quantum phenomena : Topological Insulators and Superconductors
A new formalism for the computation of RKKY interaction in aperiodic systems
A New High Voltage 4H-SiC Lateral Dual Sidewall Schottky (LDSS) Rectifier: Theoretical Investigation and Analysis
A new magnetic field dependence of Landau levels on a graphene like structure
A new mechanism of electric dipole spin resonance: hyperfine coupling in quantum dots
A new method to epitaxially grow long-range ordered self-assembled InAs quantum dots on (110) GaAs
A new phase in the bilayers of semiconductors in quantum Hall effect
A new platform for topological quantum phenomena : Topological Insulator states in thermoelectric Heusler-related ternary compounds
A New Quantum Phase Transition in the Coupled Quantum Dots System
A new representation of the bulk current in the quantum Hall effect regime
A New Route to Fluorescent SWNT/Silica Nanocomposites: Balancing Fluorescence Intensity and Environmental Sensitivity
A new route towards uniformly functionalized single-layer graphene
A new scattering mechanism of acoustic phonons in relaxor ferroelectrics: the case of KTa_{1-x}Nb_xO_3
A New Spin-Orbit Induced Universality Class in the Quantum Hall Regime ?
A new transfer technique for high mobility graphene devices on commercially available hexagonal boron nitride