Zero energy and chiral edge modes in a p-wave magnetic spin model
Zero Energy Solutions and Vortices in Schroedinger Equations
Zero Field Hall Effect in (2+1)-dimensional QED
Zero field spin polarization in a 2D paramagnetic resonant tunneling diode
Zero field spin splitting in AlSb/InAs/AlSb quantum wells induced by surface proximity effects
Zero Landau level in folded graphene nanoribbons
Zero modes and the edge states of the honeycomb lattice
Zero modes of tight binding electrons on the honeycomb lattice
Zero modes, energy gap, and edge states of anisotropic honeycomb lattice in a magnetic field
Zero temperature conductance of parallel T-shape double quantum dots
Zero temperature Dephasing and the Friedel Sum Rule
Zero temperature geometric spin dephasing on a ring in presence of an Ohmic environment
Zero-bias anomalies in electrochemically fabricated nanojunctions
Zero-Bias Anomalies in Narrow Tunnel Junctions in the Quantum Hall Regime
Zero-bias anomaly and Kondo-assisted quasi-ballistic 2D transport
Zero-bias anomaly in cotunneling transport through quantum-dot spin valves
Zero-bias anomaly in disordered wires
Zero-bias anomaly in one-dimensional tunneling contacts
Zero-bias anomaly in two-dimensional electron layers and multiwall nanotubes
Zero-bias anomaly induced by the point defect in graphene