Weak-field Hall effect and static polarizability of Bloch electrons
Weak-localization and rectification current in non-diffusive quantum wires
Weak-localization corrections to the conductivity of double quantum wells
Weakly chiral networks and 2D delocalized states in a weak magnetic field
Weakly incoherent magnetotransport in layered metals
Weber blockade theory of magnetoresistance oscillations in superconducting strips
Wedging Transfer of Nanostructures
Weiss oscillations in the electronic structure of modulated graphene
Weiss oscillations in the magnetoconductivity of modulated graphene bilayer
Well-width dependence of valley splitting in Si/SiGe quantum wells
Wess-Zumino-Berry phase interference in spin tunneling at excited levels with a magnetic field
Wetting and contact-line effects for spherical and cylindrical droplets on graphene layers: A comparative molecular-dynamics investigation
Wetting and energetics in nanoparticle etching of graphene
Wetting film dynamics and stability
Weyl Semimetal in a Topological Insulator Multilayer
Weyl semimetal with broken time reversal and inversion symmetries
What are spin currents in Heisenberg magnets?
What can we learn about the dynamics of transported spins by measuring shot noise in spin-orbit-coupled nanostructures?
What Determines the Wave Function of Electron-Hole Pairs in Polariton Condensates?
What do noise measurements reveal about fractional charge in FQH liquids?