Wave Functions, Quantum Diffusion, and Scaling Exponents in Golden-Mean Quasiperiodic Tilings
Wave packet approach to periodically driven scattering
Wave packet approach to transport in mesoscopic systems
Wave packet dynamics and valley filter in strained graphene
Wave packet dynamics in 2DEG with spin orbit coupling: splitting and zitterbewegung
Wave packet dynamics in a monolayer graphene
Wave packet dynamics in hole Luttinger systems
Wave Packet Dynamics, Ergodicity, and Localization in Quasiperiodic Chains
Wave Packet Propagation and Electric Conductivity of Nanowires
Wave packet revivals in a graphene quantum dot in a perpendicular magnetic field
Wave Propagation in the Cantor-Set Media: Chaos from Fractal
Wave propagation through Cantor-set media: Chaos, scaling, and fractal structures
Wave Scattering through Classically Chaotic Cavities in the Presence of Absorption: An Information-Theoretic Model
Wave-packet dynamics at the mobility edge in two- and three-dimensional systems
Wave-vector dependence of spin and density multipole excitations in quantum dots
Waveform sampling using an adiabatically driven electron ratchet in a two-dimensional electron system
Wavefront solution in extended quantum circuits with charge discreteness
Wavefronts may move upstream in doped semiconductor superlattices
Wavefunction considerations for the central spin decoherence problem in a nuclear spin bath
Wavefunctional approach to the bilayer ν=1 system and a possibility for a double non-chiral pseudospin liquid