Raman spectra of misoriented bilayer graphene
Raman spectroscopic determination of the length, strength, compressibility, Debye temperature, elasticity, and force constant of the C-C bond in graphene
Raman spectroscopy of graphene and bilayer under biaxial strain: bubbles and balloons
Raman spectroscopy of wurtzite and zinc-blende GaAs nanowires: polarization dependence, selection rules and strain effects
Raman spectroscopy on etched graphene nanoribbons
Raman spectroscopy study of rotated double-layer graphene: misorientation angle dependence of electronic structure
Random Aharonov-Bohm vortices and some exact families of integrals: Part II
Random Aharonov-Bohm vortices and some funny families of integrals
Random backaction in tunneling of single electrons through nanostructures
Random background charges and Coulomb blockade in one-dimensional tunnel junction arrays
Random Berry Phase Magnetoresistance as a Probe of Interface Roughness in Si MOSFETs
Random gap model for graphene and graphene bilayers
Random Interaction Matrix Ensembles in Mesoscopic Physics
Random Lasing from Weakly Scattering Media: Universality in the Emission Spectra from Pi-Conjugated Polymer Films
Random matrices and quantum chaos in weakly-disordered graphene nanoflakes
Random Matrices and Supersymmetry in Disordered Systems
Random matrix approach to `nonuniversal' conductance
Random Matrix Elements and Eigenfunctions in Chaotic Systems
Random matrix model for quantum dots with interactions and the conductance peak spacing distribution
Random matrix theory for closed quantum dots with weak spin-orbit coupling