Room temperature differential-conductance staircase in suspended graphitic quantum point contacts
Room temperature electron spin coherence in telecom-wavelength quaternary quantum wells
Room temperature ferromagnetism and anomalous Hall effect in Si$_{1-x}$Mn$_x$ ($x\approx 0.35$) alloys
Room temperature ferromagnetism and anomalous Hall effect in Si_{1-x}Mn_x (x = 0.35) alloys
Room temperature observation of electron resonant tunneling through InAs/AlAs quantum dots
Room temperature one-dimensional polariton condensate in a ZnO microwire
Room temperature terahertz polariton emitter
Room-temperature ballistic transport in narrow graphene strips
Room-temperature electric field effect and carrier-type inversion in graphene films
Room-temperature excitonic absorption in quantum wires
Room-temperature gating of molecular junctions using few-layer graphene nanogap electrodes
Room-temperature generation of giant pure spin currents using Co$_2$FeSi spin injectors
Room-Temperature High On/Off Ratio in Suspended Graphene Nanoribbon Field Effect Transistors
Room-Temperature Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene
Room-Temperature Superfluidity in Graphene Bilayers
Room-temperature Tunable Fano Resonance by Chemical Doping in Few-layer Graphene Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Rosen-Zener interferometry with Ultracold Atoms
Rosen-Zener Transition in a Nonlinear Two-Level System
Rotated graphene bilayers: weak electronic coupling between the AA zones of large moires
Rotating Bose gas with hard-core repulsion in a quasi-2D harmonic trap: vortices in BEC