Observation of interface carrier states in no-common-atom heterostructures ZnSe/BeTe
Observation of Intra- and Inter-band Transitions in the Optical Response of Graphene
Observation of intrinsic inverse spin Hall effect
Observation of Landau levels of Dirac fermions in graphite
Observation of large many-body Coulomb interaction effects in a doped quantum wire
Observation of Long Spin Relaxation Times in Bilayer Graphene at Room Temperature
Observation of low-lying excitations of electrons in coupled quantum dots
Observation of Magnetic Supercooling of the Transition to the Vortex State
Observation of Magnetization dynamics and Interaction-induced Phases on Topological Insulator Surfaces
Observation of Majorana Fermions in a Nb-InSb Nanowire-Nb Hybrid Quantum Device
Observation of mixed anisotropy in the critical susceptibility of an ultrathin magnetic film
Observation of narrow-band noise accompanying the breakdown of insulating states in high Landau levels
Observation of neutral modes in the fractional quantum Hall regime
Observation of new quantum interference effect in solids
Observation of non-Markovian dynamics of a single quantum dot in a micropillar cavity
Observation of orientation- and $k$-dependent Zeeman spin-splitting in hole quantum wires on (100)-oriented AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures
Observation of out-of-plane vibrations in few-layer graphene
Observation of Partially Suppressed Shot Noise in Hopping Conduction
Observation of Persistent Currents in Mesoscopic Connected Rings
Observation of Phase Defects in Quasi-2D Bose-Einstein Condensates