Orthogonality Catastrophe and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Double-layer Fermi-liquid-like States
Orthogonality catastrophe in a composite fermion liquid
Orthogonality Catastrophe in Parametric Random Matrices
Orthogonally-Driven Superconducting Qubit in Circuit QED
Oscillating Casimir force between impurities in one-dimensional Fermi liquids
Oscillating chiral currents in nanotubes: a route to nanoscale magnetic test tubes
Oscillating sign of drag in high Landau levels
Oscillation modes of two-dimensional nanostructures within the time-dependent local-spin-density approximation
Oscillation of spin polarization in a two-dimensional hole gas under a perpendicular magnetic field
Oscillation of the tunnel splitting in nanospin systems within the particle mapping formalism
Oscillations in the photocurrent from quantum dots: Geometric information from reciprocal spectra
Oscillations of 2D electron gas photoconductivity in AC magnetic field
Oscillations of 2D Rashba system spin polarization in quantizing magnetic field
Oscillations of 2DEG thermoelectric coefficients in magnetic field under microwave irradiation
Oscillations of Induced Magnetization in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Heterostructures
Oscillations of magnetoresistance of 2DEG in a weak magnetic field under microwave irradiation
Oscillations of the magnetic polarization in a Kondo impurity at finite magnetic fields
Oscillations of the Nernst coefficient in bismuth
Oscillator strengths of dark charged excitons in the quantum Hall regime
Oscillatory ac- and photoconductivity of a 2D electron gas: Quasiclassical transport beyond the Boltzmann equation