Orbits in Large Aluminum Clusters: Five-Pointed Stars
Order from Disorder in Graphene Quantum Hall Ferromagnet
Order parameter dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities
Order parameter phase locking as a cause of a zero bias peak in the differential tunneling conductance of bilayers with electron-hole pairing
Order parameter suppression in double layer quantum Hall ferromagnets
Order-disorder phase change in embedded Si nano-particles
Ordered Dissipative Structures in Exciton Systems in Semiconductor Quantum Wells
Ordered Loop Current States in Bilayer Graphene
Ordered structures in rotating ultracold Bose gases
Ordering effect of Coulomb interaction in ballistic double-ring systems
Ordering of magnetic impurities and tunable electronic properties of topological insulators
Organic Molecules on Wide-Gap Insulators: Electronic Excitations
Organic photovoltaic bulk heterojunctions with spatially varying composition
Organic Spintronics
Organometallic Vanadium-Borazine Systems: Efficient One- Dimensional Half-Metallic Spin Filters
Orientation dependence of the elastic instability on strained SiGe films
Orientation dependence of the optical spectra in graphene at high frequencies
Orientation of the Stripe Formed by the Two-Dimensional Electrons in Higher Landau Levels
Orientation-Dependent Transparency of Metallic Interfaces
Orientational pinning of quantum Hall striped phase