Orbital analogue of quantum anomalous Hall effect in $p$-band systems
Orbital and interlayer Skyrmions crystals in bilayer graphene
Orbital and spin contributions to the $g$-tensors in metal nanoparticles
Orbital and spin Kondo effects in a double quantum dot
Orbital and spin magnetization of a confined electronic system in the transition between a quantum dot and a ring
Orbital and spin relaxation in single and coupled quantum dots
Orbital and valley state spectra of a one-electron silicon quantum dot probed via charge sensing
Orbital current mode in elliptical quantum dots
Orbital diamagnetism in multilayer graphenes: Systematic study with the effective mass approximation
Orbital Effects of In-Plane Magnetic Fields Probed by Mesoscopic Conductance Fluctuations
Orbital eigenchannel analysis for ab-initio quantum transport calculations
Orbital entanglement and violation of Bell inequalities in mesoscopic conductors
Orbital entanglement and violation of Bell inequalities in the presence of dephasing
Orbital fluctuations and strong correlations in quantum dots
Orbital Kondo effect and spin polarized transport through quantum dots
Orbital Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes
Orbital Kondo effect in double quantum dots
Orbital Kondo effect modulated by off-diagonal orbital interference
Orbital Landau level dependence of the fractional quantum Hall effect in quasi-two dimensional electron layers: finite-thickness effects
Orbital magnetic moments in pure and doped carbon nanotubes