On the structure and topography of free-standing chemically modified graphene
On the Structure of the Surface States in Topological Insulators
On the supersymmetric partition function in QCD-inspired random matrix models
On the Surface of Topological Insulators: From Finite-Size Anomalous Currents to Potential Qubits
On the symmetry of RKKY interaction on a bipartite lattice
On the temperature dependence of ballistic Coulomb drag in nanowires
On the Temperature Dependence of the Lifetime of Thermally Isolated Metastable Clusters
On the Theory of a New Maximum Observed in dc Transport in Modulated Quantum Hall Systems Near ν=1/2
On the theory of cavities with point-like perturbations. Part I: General theory
On the theory of electric dc-conductivity : linear and non-linear microscopic evolution and macroscopic behaviour
On the theory of magnetization in multiferroics: competition between ferro- and antiferromagnetic domains
On the Theory of Magnetotransport in a Periodically Modulated Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
On the theory of plateau-plateau transitions in Quantum Hall Effect
On the Theory of Stress-Magnetic Field Phase Diagram of the Finite Size Multiferroics: Competition between Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Domains
On the thermal broadening of a quantum critical phase transition
On the Thermal Stability of Graphone
On the Transport Diamonds and Zero Current Anomaly in InGaAs/InP and GaAs/AlGaAs
On the validity and breakdown of the Onsager symmetry in mesoscopic conductors interacting with environments
On the Validity of the Parabolic Effective-Mass Approximation for the Current-Voltage Calculation of Silicon Nanowire Transistors
On the way to meet the experimental observation of persistent current in a mesoscopic cylinder: A mean field study