Low field magnetotransport in strained Si/SiGe cavities
Low field phase diagram of spin-Hall effect in the mesoscopic regime
Low frequency conductance fluctuations (1/f^αnoise) in 15nm Ag nanowires: Implication on its stability
Low frequency current noise of the single-electron shuttle
Low frequency noise characteristics of sub-micron magnetic tunnel junctions
Low frequency noise due to magnetic inhomogeneities in submicron FeCoB/MgO/FeCoB magnetic tunnel junctions
Low Frequency Quantum Transport in a Three-probe Mesoscopic Conductor
Low frequency Raman studies of multi-wall carbon nanotubes: experiments and theory
Low friction and rotational dynamics of crystalline flakes in solid lubrication
Low lying twisting and acoustic modes of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate
Low Temperature Anomaly in Mesoscopic Kondo Wires
Low temperature decoherence and relaxation in charge Josephson-junction qubits
Low temperature decoherence by electron-electron interactions: Role of quantum fluctuations
Low temperature dephasing in irradiated metallic wires
Low temperature electron-phonon resonance in dc-current-biased two-dimensional electron systems
Low Temperature Electrostatic Force Microscopy of a Deep Two Dimensional Electron Gas using a Quartz Tuning Fork
Low temperature kinetics of 2D exciton gas cooling in quantum well bilayer
Low temperature magnetic hysteresis in Mn$_{12}$ acetate single crystals
Low temperature properties of a quantum particle coupled to dissipative environments
Low temperature resonances in the electron heat capacity and its spectral distribution in finite systems