Klein tunneling in carbon nanostructures: a free particle dynamics in disguise
Klein tunneling in graphene: optics with massless electrons
Klein Tunneling in the presence of random impurities
Klein-tunneling-enhanced directional coupler for Dirac electron wave in graphene
Knight Field Enabled Nuclear Spin Polarization in Single Quantum Dots
Knight shift detection using gate-induced decoupling of the hyperfine interaction in quantum Hall edge channels
KNIT : An open source code for quantum transport in multi-terminal systems
Kohn Anomalies in Graphene Nanoribbons
Kohn Anomaly in Raman Spectroscopy of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Kohn-Luttinger superconductivity in graphene
Kondo and Dicke effect in quantum-dots side coupled to a quantum wire
Kondo and mixed valence regimes in multi-level quantum dots
Kondo Conductance in an Atomic Nanocontact from First Principles
Kondo correlation and spin-flip scattering in spin-dependent transport through a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads
Kondo Correlations and the Fano Effect in Closed AB-Interferometers
Kondo effect and anti-ferromagnetic correlation in transport through tunneling-coupled double quantum dots
Kondo effect and bistability in a double-quantum-dot
Kondo effect and channel mixing in oscillating molecules
Kondo effect and conductance of nanocontacts with magnetic impurities
Kondo Effect and Josephson Current through a Quantum Dot between Two Superconductors