Ionized Impurity and Surface Roughness Scattering Rates of Electrons in Semiconductor Structures with One-Dimensional Electron Gas and Broadened Energy Levels
Iordanskii and Lifshitz-Pitaevskii Forces in the Two-Fluid Model
Iron oxide doped boron nitride nanotubes: structural and magnetic properties
Irradiated bilayer graphene
Irradiated Carbon Nanostructures as Nanoscopic Pressure Cells
Irradiation Enhanced paramagnetism on graphene nanoflakes
Irregular Spin Tunnelling for Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Sweeping Magnetic Field
Irreversibility and Dephasing from Vacuum Fluctuations
Irreversibility in response to forces acting on graphene sheets
Irreversibility on the Level of Single-Electron Tunneling
Irreversible spin-transfer and magnetization reversal under spin-injection
Is charge noise in single electron transistors and charge qubits caused by metallic grains?
Is Graphene a Fermi Liquid?
Is it the boundaries or disorder that dominates electron transport in semiconductor `billiards'?
Is keV ion induced pattern formation on Si(001) caused by metal impurities?
Is relaxation correlated in superconducting qubits?
Is the charge determined via shot noise measurements unique?
Is the concept of the non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian relevant in the case of potential scattering?
Is the magnetic field necessary for the Aharonov-Bohm effect in mesoscopics?
Is the Peak Value of $σ_{xx}$ at the Quantum Hall Transition Universal?