Ground state energies of quantum dots in high magnetic fields: A new approach
Ground State Energy Fluctuations of a System Coupled to a Bath
Ground state energy of an interacting electron system in the background of two opposite magnetic strings
Ground state energy of N Frenkel excitons
Ground state of graphite ribbons with zigzag edges
Ground state of small mixed helium and spin-polarized tritium clusters: a quantum Monte Carlo stud
Ground state phase diagram of 2D electrons in a high Landau level: - DMRG study
Ground state phase diagram of 2D electrons in high magnetic field
Ground State Phase Diagram of 2D Electrons in High Magnetic Field
Ground state properties of a one-dimensional condensate of hard core bosons in a harmonic trap
Ground state spin and Coulomb blockade peak motion in chaotic quantum dots
Ground State Spin Oscillations of a Two-Electron Quantum Dot in a Magnetic Field
Ground State Spin Structure of Strongly Interacting Disordered 1D Hubbard Model
Ground state structure and conductivity of quantum wires of infinite length and finite width
Ground State Wavefunctions of General Filling Factors in the Lowest Landau Level
Ground state, quasi-hole, a pair of quasihole wavefunctions and instability in bilayer quantum Hall systems
Ground-plane screening of Coulomb interactions in two-dimensional systems: How effectively can one two-dimensional system screen interactions in another?
Ground-state characterization of Nb charge-phase Josephson qubits
Ground-state configurations in ferromagnetic nanotori
Ground-state cooling of a suspended nanowire through inelastic macroscopic quantum tunneling in a current-biased Josephson junction