Fast detector of the ellipticity of infrared and terahertz radiation based on HgTe quantum well structures
Fast diffusion of graphene flake on graphene layer
Fast generation of entangled photon pairs from a single quantum dot embedded in a photonic crystal cavity
Fast heat flux modulation at the nanoscale
Fast high fidelity hole spin initialization in a single InGaAs quantum dot
Fast Incomplete Decoherence of Nuclear Spins in Quantum Hall Ferromagnet
Fast initialization of the spin state of an electron in a quantum dot in the Voigt configuration
Fast magnetization reversal of nanoclusters in resonator
Fast noise in the Landau-Zener theory
Fast optical control of spin dynamics in a quantum wire
Fast optical preparation, control and read-out of single quantum dot spin
Fast polaron switching in degenerate molecular quantum dots
Fast preparation of single hole spin in InAs/GaAs quantum dot in Voigt geometry magnetic field
Fast quantum limited read-out of a superconducting qubit using a slow oscillator
Fast quantum noise in Landau-Zener transition
Fast Reset and Suppressing Spontaneous Emission of a Superconducting Qubit
Fast rotation of an ultra-cold Bose gas
Fast sensing of double-dot charge arrangement and spin state with an rf sensor quantum dot
Fast Single-Charge Sensing with an rf Quantum Point Contact
Fast spin rotations by optically controlled geometric phases in a quantum dot