Fano factor reduction on the 0.7 structure in a ballistic one-dimensional wire
Fano interference effect on the transition spectrum of single electron transistors
Fano Mechanism of the Giant Magnetoresistance Formation in a Spin Nanostructure
Fano Regime of Transport through Open Quantum Dots
Fano Resonance and Orbital Filtering in Multiply Connected Carbon Nanotubes
Fano Resonance in a Quantum Wire with a Side-coupled Quantum Dot
Fano resonance in a two-level quantum dot side-coupled to leads
Fano resonance in crossed carbon nanotubes
Fano resonance in discrete lattice models: controlling lineshapes with impurities
Fano resonance in electron transport through parallel double quantum dots in the Kondo regime
Fano resonance in electronic transport through a quantum wire with a side-coupled quantum dot: X-boson treatment
Fano resonances and Aharonov-Bohm effects in transport through a square quantum dot molecule
Fano resonances and decoherence in transport through quantum dots
Fano resonances and electron spin transport through a two-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled quantum ring
Fano resonances as a probe of phase coherence in quantum dots
Fano resonances in a three-terminal nanodevice
Fano Resonances in Electronic Transport through a Single Electron Transistor
Fano Resonances in Quantum Dots: A Non-Perturbative Role for Potential-Like Scattering
Fano Resonances in Stubbed Quantum Waveguides with Impurities
Fano Resonances of Plasmonic Nanodisk