Experimental Evidence for Coulomb Charging Effects in an Open Quantum Dot at Zero Magnetic Field
Experimental Evidence for Crossed Andreev Reflection
Experimental Evidence for Quantum Interference and Vibrationally Induced Decoherence in Single-Molecule Junctions
Experimental Evidence for Resonant-Tunneling in a Luttinger-Liquid
Experimental evidence for the formation of stripe phases in Si/SiGe
Experimental Evidence of a Directed-Flux Phase of Condensed Matter
Experimental evidence of a metal-insulator transition in a half-filled Landau level
Experimental evidence of delocalized states in random dimer superlattices
Experimental Evidence of Ferroelectric Negative Capacitance in Nanoscale Heterostructures
Experimental evidence of low-lying gapped excitations in the quantum fluid at nu=5/2
Experimental evidences of Luttinger liquid behavior in the crossed multi-wall carbon nanotubes
Experimental investigation of hybrid single-electron turnstiles with high charging energy
Experimental Investigation of Microwave Enhanced Cotunneling in SET Transistors
Experimental investigation of the breakdown of the Onsager-Casimir relations
Experimental investigation of the edge states structure at fractional filling factors
Experimental investigation of the ratchet effect in a two-dimensional electron system with broken spatial inversion symmetry
Experimental observation of an enhanced anisotropic magnetoresistance in non-local configuration
Experimental Observation of Quantum Hall Effect and Berry's Phase in Graphene
Experimental observation of speckle instability in nonlinear disordered media
Experimental Observation of the Inverse Spin Hall Effect at Room Temperature