Effect of Coulomb scattering on graphene conductivity
Effect of crystallographic anisotropy on the resistance switching phenomenon in perovskites
Effect of current hysteresis on the spin polarization of current in a paramagnetic resonant tunneling diode
Effect of Curvature on the Electronic Structure and Bound State Formation in Rolled-up Nanotubes
Effect of d-f hybridization on the Josephson current through Eu-chalcogenides
Effect of DC electric field on longitudinal resistance of two dimensional electrons in a magnetic field
Effect of deconfinement on resonant transport in quantum wires
Effect of Deformation on Surface Characteristics of Finite Metallic Crystals
Effect of Dephasing on Electron Transport in a Molecular Wire: Green's Function Approach
Effect of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic devices
Effect of dielectric coating on the positron work function of a metal
Effect of dipolar interactions on optical nonlinearity of two-dimensional nanocomposites
Effect of dipolar interactions on the magnetization of a cubic array of nanomagnets
Effect of discrete impurities on electron transport in ultra-short MOSFET using 3D Monte Carlo simulation
Effect of disorder on a graphene p-n junction
Effect of Disorder on the Conductance of Spin Field Effect Transistors (SPINFET)
Effect of disorder on the ground-state properties of graphene
Effect of disorder on the Kondo behavior of thin Cu(Mn) films
Effect of disorder on the non-dissipative drag
Effect of Disorder on the Quantum Coherence in Mesoscopic Wires