Effect of a lattice upon an interacting system of electrons: Breakdown of scaling and decay of persistent currents
Effect of a magnetic field on the two-phonon Raman scattering in graphene
Effect of a single impurity on the local density of states in monolayer and bilayer graphene
Effect of a tilted magnetic field on the orientation of Wigner crystals
Effect of amplification on conductance distribution of a disordered waveguide
Effect of an inhomogeneous external magnetic field on a quantum dot quantum computer
Effect of Anisotropy on the Localization in a Bifractal System
Effect of annealing on electron dephasing in three-dimensional polycrystalline metals
Effect of assisted hopping on the formation of local moments in magnetic impurities and quantum dots
Effect of bulk inversion asymmetry on the Datta-Das transistor
Effect of Charge Fluctuations on the Persistent Current through a Quantum Dot
Effect of charge state in nearby quantum dots on quantum Hall effect
Effect of charged impurity correlation on transport in monolayer and bilayer graphene
Effect of confinement potential shape on exchange interaction in coupled quantum dots
Effect of contact induced states on minimum conductivity in graphene
Effect of Contact Interfaces on Quantum Conductance of Armchair Nanotubes
Effect of Coulomb blockade on STM current through a granular film
Effect of Coulomb correlation on electron transport through concentric quantum ring-quantum dot structure
Effect of Coulomb interaction on current noise in open quantum dots
Effect of Coulomb interactions on the physical observables of graphene