Edge States of Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene Nanoribbons
Edge states of zigzag bilayer graphite nanoribbons
Edge States on a Quantum Hall Liquid--Solid Interface
Edge states on graphene ribbon in magnetic field: interplay between Dirac and ferromagnetic-like gaps
Edge states, mass and spin gaps, and quantum Hall effect in graphene
Edge Theories for Polarized Quantum Hall States
Edge-dependent selection rules in magic triangular graphene flakes
Edge-induced spin polarization in two-dimensional electron gas
Edge-locking and quantum control in highly polarized spin chains
Edge-Magnetoplasmon Wave-Packet Revivals in the Quantum Hall Effect
Edge-mode velocities and thermal coherence of quantum Hall interferometers
Edge-state Fabry-Perot interferometer as a high sensitivity charge detector
Edge-State Velocity and Coherence in a Quantum Hall Fabry-Perot Interferometer
Edge-to-bulk transition of the IQHE at cleaved edge overgrown samples: a screening theory based experimental proposal
Effect of a Coulombic dot-lead coupling on the dynamics of a quantum dot
Effect of a Domain Wall on the Conductance Quantization in a Ferromagnetic Nanowire
Effect of a gap on the decoherence of a qubit
Effect of a gap opening on the conductance of graphene superlattices
Effect of a in-plane magnetic field on the microwave assisted magnetotransport in a two-dimensional electron system
Effect of a lattice upon an interacting system of electrons in two dimensions: Breakdown of scaling and decay of persistent currents