Edge State Tunneling in a Split Hall Bar Model
Edge states and enhanced spin-orbit interaction at graphene/graphane interfaces
Edge States and Interferometers in the Pfaffian and anti-Pfaffian States
Edge States and Stacking Effects in Nanographene Systems
Edge states and the bulk-boundary correspondence in Dirac Hamiltonians
Edge states and the integer quantum Hall conductance in spin-chiral ferromagnetic kagome lattice
Edge states and the integer quantum Hall effect of spin-chiral ferromagnetic kagome lattice with a general spin coupling
Edge States and the Quantized Hall Effect in Graphene
Edge states and topological phases in non-Hermitian systems
Edge states and tunneling of non-Abelian quasiparticles in the nu=5/2 quantum Hall state and p+ip superconductors
Edge States at the Interface between Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene
Edge states for the n=0 Laudau level in graphene
Edge states generated by spin-orbit coupling at domain walls in magnetic semiconductors
Edge states in graphene in magnetic fields -- a speciality of the edge mode embedded in the n=0 Landau band
Edge states in graphene quantum dots: Fractional quantum Hall effect analogies and differences at zero magnetic field
Edge states in Graphene: from gapped flat band to gapless chiral modes
Edge states in the three-quarter filled system, $α$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$
Edge states in two-dimensional electron gas with heterogeneous spin-orbit interaction
Edge states interferometry and spin rotations in zigzag graphene nanoribbons
Edge States of Bilayer Graphene in the Quantum Hall Regime