Bose-Einstein condensation in semiconductors: the key role of dark excitons
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Excitons in Bilayer Electron Systems
Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons in graphene in a high magnetic field
Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticles in graphene
Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped polaritons in 2D electron-hole systems in a high magnetic field
Bose-Hubbard dynamics of polaritons in a chain of circuit QED cavities
Boson-Fermion coherence in a spherically symmetric harmonic trap
Bosonic characters of atomic Cooper pairs across resonance
Bosonization and effective vector-field theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect
Bosonization approach to the edge reconstruction of two dimentional electron systems in a quantum dot
Bosonization for disordered and chaotic systems
Bosonization of one dimensional fermions out of equilibrium
Bosonization of the two-dimensional electron gas in the lowest Landau level
Bosonization out of equilibrium
Bosonization theory for tunneling spectra in smooth edges of Quantum Hall systems
Bosonization Theory of Excitons in One-dimensional Narrow Gap Semiconductors
Bosonizing one-dimensional cold atomic gases
Bottom-gated epitaxial graphene suitable for half-integer quantum metrology ?
Bouncing transient currents and SQUID-like voltage in nano devices at half filling
Bouncing-ball tunneling in quantum dots