The $L$-functions of Witt coverings
The $p$-adic CM-method for genus 2
The $T$ and $T^*$ components of $Λ$ - modules and Leopoldt's conjecture
The $χ$-part of the analytic class number formula, for global function fields
The 2-adic Eigencurve is Proper
The 2-adic valuation of a sequence arising from a rational integral
The 2-adic valuation of the coefficients of a polynomial
The 2-adic valuations of Stirling numbers
The 2-adic valuations of Stirling numbers of the second kind
The 2-primary class group of certain hyperelliptic curves
The 2-ranks of Hyperelliptic Curves with Extra Automorphisms
The 3x+1 problem: An annotated bibliography (1963--1999) (sorted by author)
The 3x+1 Problem: An Annotated Bibliography, II (2000-2009)
The 3x+1 Semigroup
The 4.36-th moment of the Riemann zeta-function
The 8-universality Criterion is Unique
The A-module Structure Induced by a Drinfeld A-module over a Finite Field
The a-numbers of Jacobians of Suzuki curves
The ABC Theorem for Meromorphic Functions
The abc-conjecture is true for at least $N(c), 1 \leq N(c) <φ(c)/2$, partitions a, b of c