A $p$-adic analogue of the Borel regulator and the Bloch-Kato exponential map
A $q$-analog of the Bailey-Borwein-Bradley identity
A 'large number' theory with constant G
A Banach space determined by the Weil height
A binary additive equation involving fractional powers
A binomial identity on the least prime factor of an integer
A Böcherer-Type Conjecture for Paramodular Forms
A bound for the "torsion conductor" of a non-CM elliptic curve
A bound to kill the ramification over function fields
A calculation of a half-integral weight multiplier system on SU(2,1)
A canonical system of differential equations arising from the Riemann zeta-function
A cell complex in number theory
A characterization of all equilateral triangles in \Bbb Z^3
A characterization of arithmetical invariants by the monoid of relations II: The monotone catenary degree and applications to semigroup rings
A characterization of arithmetical invariants by the monoid of relations
A characterization of Büchi's integer sequences of length 3
A characterization of covering equivalence
A characterization of Eisenstein polynomials generating cyclic extensions of degree $p^2$ and $p^3$ over an unramified $\kp$-adic field
A characterization of finite sets that tile the integers
A characterization of regular tetrahedra in Z^3