U(g)-finite locally analytic representations
U-Invariants for forms of higher degree
Über Pro-p-Fundamentalgruppen markierter arithmetischer Kurven
Ubiquity and a general logarithm law for geodesics
Umbral Calculus in Positive Characteristic
Un anneau de deformation universel en conducteur superieur (A universal deformation ring in higher conductor)
Un critère d'épointage des sections $l$-adiques
Un lemme de Roth sur les groupes algébriques commutatifs
Un lemme matriciel effectif
Unbounded discrepancy in Frobenius numbers
Unboundedness of the number of rational points on curves over function fields
Uncomputably Large Integral Points on Algebraic Plane Curves?
Unconditional and Conditional Large Gaps between the zeros of the Riemann Zeta-Function
Unconditional bounds for the multiplicity of automorphic forms of cohomological type on GL_2
Undecidability in function fields of positive characteristic
Une correspondance de Jacquet-Langlands p-adique
Une region explicite sans zero pour la fonction Zeta de Riemann
Une suite de matrices symétriques en rapport avec la fonction de Mertens
Unicity of types for supercuspidals
Uniform approximate functional equation for principal L-functions