q Analogue of p adic log gamma functions associated with modified q extension of Genocchi numbers with weight alpha and beta
q-Analogue of Euler-Barnes Multiple Zeta Functions (= a note on q-zeta functions)
q-analogue of Euler-Barnes' numbers and polynomials
q-Analogue of Gauss' Divisibility Theorem
q-Analogue of Wilson's theorem
q-Analogues of the Barnes multiple zeta functions
q-Analogues of the Riemann zeta, the Dirichlet L-functions, and a crystal zeta function
q-analogues of the sums of powers of consecutive integers
q-Apery Irrationality Proofs by q-WZ Pairs
q-Bernoulli numbers and Stirling numbers(2)
q-Bernstein polynomials associated with q-stirling numbers and Carlitz's q-Bernoulli numbers
q-Bernstein polynomials, q-Stirling numbers and q-Bernoulli polynomials
q-Euler and Genocchi numbers
q-Euler Numbers and Polynomials Associated with Basic Zeta Functions
q-Euler numbers and polynomials associated with multiple q-zeta functions
q-Hardy-Berndt type sums associated with q-Genocchi type zeta and l-functions
q-Hypergeometric double sums as mock theta functions
q-series and L-functions related to half-derivatives of the Andrews--Gordon identity
Quadratic addition rules for quantum integers
Quadratic Base Change and the Analytic Continuation of the Asai L-function: A new Trace formula approach