Vacca-type series for values of the generalized-Euler-constant function and its derivative
Vacuum Fluctuations, Cosmogenesis and Prime Number Gaps
Vacuum Fluctuations, Cosmogenesis and Prime Number Gaps
Valeurs algebriques de fonctions transcendantes
Valeurs aux T-uplets d'entiers negatifs de series zetas multivariables associees a des polynomes de plusieurs variables
Value at 2 of the L-function of an elliptic curve
Value distribution of cyclotomic polynomial coefficients
Value distribution of Ramanujan sums and of cyclotomic polynomial coefficients
Values at s=-1 of L-functions for multi-quadratic extensions of number fields, and the fitting ideal of the tame kernel
Values at s=-1 of L-functions for multiquadratic extensions of number fields, and annililation of the tame kernel
Values at s=-1 of L-functions for relative quadratic extensions of number fields, and the Fitting ideal of the tame kernel
Values of certain L-series in positive characteristic
Values of coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials II
Values of decomposable forms at S-integer points and tori orbits on homogeneous spaces
Values of the Euler phi function not divisible by a prescribed odd prime
Values of the Euler phi-function not divisible by a given odd prime, and the distribution of Euler-Kronecker constants for cyclotomic fields
Values of zeta functions at s=1/2
Vanishing and Non-Vanishing Dirichlet Twists of L-Functions of Elliptic Curves
Vanishing of algebraic Brauer-Manin obstructions
Vanishing of eigenspaces and cyclotomic fields