Maass forms and their $L$-functions
Maass relations in higher genus
Maass spaces on U(2,2) and the Bloch-Kato conjecture for the symmetric square motive of a modular form
Maass waveforms arising from sigma and related indefinite theta functions
Mackey functors and abelian class field theories
MacMahon's sum-of-divisors functions, Chebyshev polynomials, and Quasi-modular forms
Macroscopic pair correlation of the Riemann zeroes for smooth test functions
Mahlburg's work on Crank Functions returns to Ramanujan's work and inspiration
Mahler formula on the projective n-space
Mahler measure and the WZ algorithm
Mahler measure of some n-variable polynomial families
Mahler measure under variations of the base group
Mahler Measure Variations, Eisenstein Series and Instanton Expansions
Mahler Measure, Eisenstein Series and Dimers
Mahler measures and computations with regulators
Mahler's Measure and the Dilogarithm (II)
Mahonian Partition Identities Via Polyhedral Geometry
Majoration du nombre de zéros d'une fonction méromorphe en dehors d'une droite verticale et applications
Managing Metaplectiphobia: Covering p-adic groups
Manin obstruction to strong approximation for homogeneous spaces