Wach modules and Iwasawa theory for modular forms
Walking into an absolute sum
Walks on graphs and lattices -- effective bounds and applications
Walks on groups, counting reducible matrices, polynomials, and surface and free group automorphisms
Waring problem with the Ramanujan $τ$-function
Waring's problem for matrices over orders in algebraic number fields
Waring's problem for polynomials in two variables
Waring's problem in the natural numbers with binary expansions of a special type
Weak Approximation for Cubic Hypersurfaces of Large Dimension
Weak approximation for linear systems of quadrics
Weak approximation on del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1
Weak convergence of the periodic multiplicative Selmer algorithm
Weak Gibbs property and system of numeration
Weak Néron models for cubic polynomial maps over a non-Archimedean field
Weak subconvexity for central values of $L$-functions
Weight cycling and Serre-type conjectures for unitary groups
Weight reduction for cohomological mod $p$ modular forms over imaginary quadratic fields
Weight Reduction for Mod l Bianchi Modular Forms
Weight-monodromy conjecture for certain threefolds in mixed characteristic
Weight-monodromy conjecture for p-adically uniformized varieties