Easy decision-Diffie-Hellman groups
Easy Proofs of Some Borwein Algorithms for $π$
Economical numbers
Edited 4-Theta embeddings of Jacobians
Edwards curves and CM curves
Effective bisector estimate with application to Apollonian circle packings
Effective bound of linear series on arithmetic surfaces
Effective equidistribution and the Sato-Tate law for families of elliptic curves
Effective equidistribution of S-integral points on symmetric varieties
Effective Height Upper Bounds on Algebraic Tori
Effective Irrationality Measures and Approximation by Algebraic Conjugates
Effective method of computing Li's coefficients and their properties
Effective Multiplicity One for GL(n)
Effective results for unit equations over finitely generated domains
Effective Siegel's theorem for modular curves
Effective structure theorems for symplectic spaces via height
Effectivity of Dynatomic cycles for morphisms of projective varieties using deformation theory
Effektive Abschaetzungen fuer den Gitterrest gewisser ebener und dreidimensionaler Bereiche
Efficient computation of p-adic heights
Efficient prime counting and the Chebyshev primes