Hadamard grade of power series
Handling a large bound for a problem on the generalized Pillai equation $\pm r a^x \pm s b^y = c$
Hankel determinants of Dirichlet series
Hankel determinants of Eisenstein series
Hankel-type determinants and Drinfeld quasi-modular forms
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. I. The Continuing Story of Auxiliary Primes
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. II. Irreducibility of Cyclotomic Polynomials
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. III. Gauss's Lemma and Artin's Transfer
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. IV. Bernstein's Reciprocity Law
Hard Instances of the Constrained Discrete Logarithm Problem
Hardy-Littlewood Constants Embedded into Infinite Products over All Positive Integers
Harmonic analysis of the functions $\tildeΔ(x)$ and $N(T)$
Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces
Harmonic Analysis on the quotient $\Q^\times\ltimes\Q\bs\A^1\ltimes \A$
Harmonic Analysis over adelic spaces
Harmonic cocycles and cohomology of arithmetic groups (in positive characteristic)
Harmonic Maaß-Jacobi forms of degree 1 with higher rank indices
Harmonic Maass forms and periods
Hasse invariant and group cohomology
Hausdorff Dimension and Diophantine Approximation