S-Arithmetic Khintchine-Type Theorem
S-integral preperiodic points for dynamical systems over number fields
Safarevic's theorem on solvable groups as Galois groups
Saito-Kurokawa lifts and applications to the Bloch-Kato conjecture
Salem numbers and Pisot numbers via interlacing
Salem numbers, Pisot numbers, Mahler measure and graphs
Sato--Tate, cyclicity, and divisibility statistics on average for elliptic curves of small height
Sato-Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2
Sato-Tate distributions of twists of y^2=x^5-x and y^2=x^6+1
Scattering for time series with an application to the zeta function of an algebraic curve
Scattering on the p-adic field and a trace formula
Scattering, determinants, hyperfunctions in relation to Gamma(1-s)/Gamma(s)
Schanuel's conjecture and algebraic powers z^w and w^z with z and w transcendental
Schanuel's conjecture and the exceptional set of $γ$-th arithmetic zeta functions
Schémas en groupes et poids de Diamond-Serre
Schemes over $F_1$
Schmidt's conjecture and Badziahin-Pollington-Velani's theorem
Schmidt's Game on Certain Fractals
Schmidt's game, Badly Approximable Linear Forms and Fractals
Schmidt's theorem, Hausdorff measures and Slicing