B-pairs and (phi,Gamma)-modules
Badly approximable affine forms and Schmidt games
Badly approximable numbers and Littlewood-type problems
Badly approximable numbers related to the Littlewood conjecture
Badly approximable systems of affine forms
Badly approximable systems of linear forms in absolute value
Badly approximable systems of linear forms over a field of formal series
Badly approximable vectors in affine subspaces: Jarník-type result
Badly approximable vectors on a vertical Cantor set
Badly approximable vectors on rational quadratic varieties
Badziahin-Pollington-Velani's theorem and Schmidt's game
Báez-Duarte's Criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis and Rice's Integrals
Baker's Explicit abc-Conjecture and applications
Baker-Sprindzhuk conjectures for complex analytic manifolds
Banach space representations and Iwasawa theory
Banach-Hecke algebras and p-adic Galois Representations
Barnes multiple zeta-functions, Ramanujan's formula, and relevant series involving hyperbolic functions
Barnes type multiple q-zeta functions and q-Euler polynomials
Barnes' type multiple Changhee q-zeta functiond
Bases for Riemann-Roch spaces of one point divisors on an optimal tower of function fields