Application of a multigroup computational method to the study of extensive air showers
Application of an extended ESFT method to calculation of solar heating rates by water vapor absorption
Application of asymptotic expressions for computing the polarized radiation in optically thick planetary atmospheres
Application of higher order variations of motion
Application of the machine learning method in an inverse scattering problem
Application of the scintillation theory to ionospheric irregularities studies
Application of the TDI method in observations of lunar occultations
Application of two-dimensional imaging to very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, 1 May 1983 - 30 April 1984
Applications of the DFLU flux to systems of conservation laws
Approximate solution of the Euler-Lambert problem for circular orbits
Approximate solution of the Euler-Lambert problem for near-circular orbits
Arbitrary order numerical solutions conserving the Jacobi constant in the motion near the equilibrium points
Are three-frequency quasiperiodic orbits to be expected in typical nonlinear dynamical systems
Asteroid close encounters and mutual perturbations
Asteroid collisional evolution: Results from current scaling algorithms
Asteroid-Earth collision velocities
Asymmetric time-dependent and stationary magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause
Asymptotic solution of the alpha-squared-dynamo problem
Atmospheric muons and neutrinos, and the neutrino-induced muon flux underground
Attenuation of luminosity of distant galaxies by multiple gravitational lensing