Galactic cannibalism. III - The morphological evolution of galaxies and clusters
Galactic-orbit eccentricity errors
Galaxy formation through hierarchical clustering
Gamma-Ray Bursts: Recent Relativistic Simulations
Gas dynamical calculations on extragalactic double radio sources
Gas response to oval distortions in disk galaxies
Gasdynamical approach to a face-on view of the Milky Way
General perturbation satellite theory
Generalized Filtering Decomposition
Generalized model of lunar gravitational field
Generalized treatment of particulate scattering in Dobson ozone spectrophotometer calculations
Generation of asteroid flyby and rendez-vous trajectories
Generation of conic ions by auroral electric fields
Generation of plasma waves by a tethered satellite system with satellites elongated in the direction of flight for arbitraty oblique geometry
Generation of the auroral kilometric radiation
Generation of waves by the solar magnetic field polarity reversal
Geodetic Parameters for a 1966 Smithsonian Institution Standard Earth
Geomagnetic field disturbances produced by marine currents
Geometric Programming Problem with Co-Efficients and Exponents Associated with Binary Numbers
Geometrical properties of three-dimensional reconnecting magnetic fields with nulls