'Two-stream' photoelectron distributions with interhemispheric coupling - A mixing of analytical and numerical methods
2D Dust Clusters in Theory and Experiments
2D Numerical MHD Models of Solar Explosive Events
A Barzilai-Borwein $l_1$-Regularized Least Squares Algorithm for Compressed Sensing
A Bernstein-Bezier Sufficient Condition for Invertibility of Polynomial Mapping Functions
A Block Lanczos with Warm Start Technique for Accelerating Nuclear Norm Minimization Algorithms
A bowl-shaped mode of galactic disks
A case of commensurability induced by oblateness
A comparative study of Conroy and Monte Carlo methods applied to multiple quadratures and multiple scattering
A comparison of five algorithms for numerical orbit computation in galaxy models
A comparison of initially bound and unbound three-body systems
A comparison of numerical methods for the study of star cluster dynamics
A compendium of theoretical atmospheric tidal structures. Part 1: Model description and explicit structures due to realistic thermal and gravitational excitation
A Complete First Order Model of the Near-Infrared Spectral Reflectance of the Moon
A computational method for solving a class of coupled conductive-radiative heat transfer problems
A Condition Number Analysis of a Line-Surface Intersection Algorithm
A contribution to the conditioning of the total least squares problem
A correct treatment of the stimulated process in cosmic recombination
A Course in Celestial mechanics, volume 2
A Data-Parallel Algorithm to Reliably Solve Systems of Nonlinear Equations