Factored Notation for Interval I/O
Faithful Polynomial Evaluation with Compensated Horner Algorithm
Families of periodic orbits in the three-body problem
Families of traveling impulses and fronts in some models with cross-diffusion
Fast algorithms for spherical harmonic expansions, III
Fast and Faster: A Comparison of Two Streamed Matrix Decomposition Algorithms
Fast Digital Convolutions using Bit-Shifts
Fast Intrinsic Mode Decomposition and Filtering of Time Series Data
Fast Intrinsic Mode Decomposition of Time Series Data with Sawtooth Transform
Fast Multipole Method vs. Spectral Method for the Simulation of Isotropic Turbulence on GPUs
Fine-scale, poleward transport of tropical air during AASE 2
Finite Projective Geometry based Fast, Conflict-free Parallel Matrix Computations
First order and second order Fermi acceleration of energetic charged particles by shock waves
Flat rotation curves: A result of the helical inverse cascade in turbulent media?
Flexural rigidity characteristics of light-weighted mirrors
Floating-Point Numbers with Error Estimates (revised)
Flow-tube dynamics and coronal holes
Fluctuations in the brightness of the diffuse galactic light and in the brightness of the Milky Way
Fluctuations of the mean free path of particles of an electron-photon shower in an infinite medium
Fluid motions in the solar atmosphere. I - On the origin and decay of spicules. II - A spicule model with emission lines