NAFF for Galactic Orbits
NAFFO: A numerical algorithm to simulate the damped rotation of synchronous satellites
Nanoparticle growth and transport mechanisms in capacitively coupled silane discharges: a numerical investigation
Nearly-Linear Time Algorithms for Preconditioning and Solving Symmetric, Diagonally Dominant Linear Systems
Neutral gases of interstellar origin in interplanetary space
Neutrino flow and stellar core collapse
Neutrino oscillations in dense neutrino gases
Neutron capture nucleosynthesis during core helium burning in massive stars
Neutron tori around Kerr black holes
Neutronization and thermal disintegration of dense stellar matter
New approach for Finite Difference Method for Thermal Analysis of Passive Solar Systems
New Approach to Identify Common Eigenvalues of real matrices using Gerschgorin Theorem and Bisection method
New asymptotics for old wave equations
New Developments in Interval Arithmetic and Their Implications for Floating-Point Standardization
New families of simple symmetric motions in the equatorial magnetic-binary problem
New Paradigm for Plasma Crystal Formation with weak grain interaction
New photometric and spectroscopic results for IU Aurigae -- an early-type eclipsing binary in a multiple system
New RBF collocation methods and kernel RBF with applications
New techniques of light curve analysis - Application to V444 Cygni
Next Step in Marine Impact Studies: Combining Geological Data with Numerical Simulations for Applications in Planetary Research