Band-pass filtering of one year of daily mean pressures on Mars
Banded Householder representation of linear subspaces
Barium stars and the s-process
Baroclinic instability in the interiors of the giant planets: A cooling history of Uranus?
Bayesian inference in geomagnetism
Beam squint in axially symmetric reflector antennas with laterally displaced feeds
Beams from a starbust galaxy nucleus
Behavior of horizontal pressure gradients at ionospheric heights during geomagnetic disturbances
Behavior of the helicity of massive Dirac neutrons of intermediate energies during scattering by a nucleon and its astrophysical aspects
Behavior of the lower ionosphere during solar flares
Bias-Variance Techniques for Monte Carlo Optimization: Cross-validation for the CE Method
Bifurcations of triple-periodic orbits
Boiling fluids in a region of rapid uplift, Nanga Parbat Massif, Pakistan
Bootstrap Markov chain Monte Carlo and optimal solutions for the Law of Categorical Judgment (Corrected)
Bounce-averaged Hamiltonian for charged particles in an axisymmetric but nondipolar model magnetosphere
Bounds on the solution to a universal Kepler's equation
Broad-band linear polarization and magnetic intensification in rotating magnetic stars