Calculation of double-lunar swingby trajectories: Part 2: Numerical solutions in the restricted problem of three bodies
Calculation of oscillator strengths and electron impact excitation collision strengths for Fe XXIV
Calculation of the shape of the boundary of the magnetosphere
Calculation of the variable electromagnetic field of the moon
Calculations of heavy ion charge state distributions for nonequilibrium conditions
Calculations of the atomic parameters for the dielectronic satellite lines of the MG XI resonance line
Calculations of the radiative and dynamical state of the Venus atmosphere
Callisto - Disk temperature at 3.71-centimeter wavelength
Can ion acceleration by double-cyclotron absorption produce O(+) ion conics?
Celestial mechanics - Never say no to a computer
Celestial mechanics during the last two decades
Central gravitational redshifts from static massive objects
Certifying floating-point implementations using Gappa
Change in the parameters of the anisotropic interplanetary plasma at the front of an MHD shock wave
Chaotic dynamics of a test particle around a gravitational field with a dipole
Characterisation of the magnetic iron phases in Clovis Class rocks in Gusev crater from the MER Spirit Mössbauer spectrometer
Characteristics of geomagnetic sudden commencement observed in middle and low latitudes
Chemical structure and evolution of the mantle and continents determined by inversion of Nd and Sr isotopic data. I Theoretical metods. II - Numerical experiments and discussion
Chondrule Rimming by Sweepup of Dust in the Protoplanetary Nebula: Constraints on Primary Accretion
Chromospheric models for ALTAIR (A7 IV-V)