Half disk simplification in the study of the aggregation formation of GMCs
Half-range moment method for solution of the transport equation in a spherically symmetric geometry
Hall effects on oscillatory MHD boundary-layer flow under variable suction
Halos and clusters of galaxies in spatially flat cold dark matter universes: Velocity function and angular momentum distribution
Harmonic Analysis
Harmonic supergraphs. I - Green functions. II - Feynman rules and examples
Hawking-like Radiation in a FRW Universe
Heat conduction within an elastic earth
Heat flow across the toe of accretionary prisms - The role of fluid flux
Helical magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and the coronal heating problem
Helioseismic detections of overshoot below the solar convection zone
Hierarchical N-body simulations with auto-tuning for heterogeneous systems
Hierarchical numerical cosmology with hydrodynamics: Methods and code tests
High Energy Astrophysics Research and Programmatic Support
High precision velocity measurements of Procyon using the 7699 A line of potassium
High-energy multiple muons and heavy primary cosmic-rays
High-order finite volume schemes for layered atmospheric models
Highly eccentric satellite - Application to Nereid
Highly perturbed periodic oscillations around a small primary
Hill's Problem in lunar theory