L1-norm minimization for quaternion signals
Laboratory and Space Plasma Studies
Laboratory simulation of microdiamonds present in space
LAGEOS II perigee rate and eccentricity vector excitations residuals and the Yarkovsky-Schach effect
Large Eddy simulation of turbulence: A subgrid scale model including shear, vorticity, rotation, and buoyancy
Large-eddy simulation. Guidelines for its application to planetary boundary layer research
Large-scale energy balance and MHD turbulence in solar coronal structures
Large-scale vortices in rotating stratified disks
Larmor radius effects on the instability of a rotating layer of a self-gravitating plasma
Least Squares Ranking on Graphs
Least-Squares on the Real Symplectic Group
Least-squares solution of ill-conditioned systems. II
Lie-Poisson integrators for rigid body dynamics in the solar system
Light Curve Analysis of Early-Type Overcontact Systems
Light scattering in astronomy and its simulation by means of microwave analogy experiments
Light-curve analysis of eclipsing variables - The interpretation of photometric observations
Limits of the applicability of formulas of mean free path theory for the conductivity of the ionospheric plasma
Line formation in collapsing cloud cores with rotation and applications to B335 and IRAS 16293-2422
Linear analysis of the light curves of eclipsing variables. I - Analysis of the fractional loss of light
Linear and circular digital spectral analysis of serial data