Zero-modes in the random hopping model
Zero-Momentum Cyclotron Spin-Flip Mode in a Spin-Unpolarized Quantum Hall System
Zero-Phonon Line Broadening and Satellite Peaks in Nanowire Quantum Dots: The Role of Piezoelectric Coupling
Zero-phonon linewidth and phonon satellites in the optical absorption of nanowire-based quantum dots
Zero-point Divacancy Concentration in the Shadow Wave-Function Model for Solid 4He
Zero-point entropy of the spinel spin glasses CuGa_2O_4 and CuAl_2O_4
Zero-Point Fluctuations and the Quenching of the Persistent Current in Normal Metal Rings
Zero-point fluctuations in the ground state of a mesoscopic normal ring
Zero-point vacancies in quantum solids
Zero-range process with long-range interactions at a T-junction
Zero-range process with open boundaries
Zero-Range Processes with Multiple Condensates: Statics and Dynamics
Zero-range processes with saturated condensation: the steady state and dynamics
Zero-resistance States Induced by Bichromatic Microwaves
Zero-Resistance States Induced by Electromagnetic-Wave Excitation in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures
Zero-temperature behavior of the random-anisotropy model in the strong-anisotropy limit
Zero-Temperature Complex Replica Zeros of the $\pm J$ Ising Spin Glass on Mean-Field Systems and Beyond
Zero-Temperature Critical Phenomena in Two-Dimensional Spin Glasses
Zero-temperature criticality in a simple glass model
Zero-temperature criticality in the two-dimensional gauge glass model