Zero-bias Anomaly of Tunneling into the Edge of a 2D Electron System
Zero-bias conductance anomaly in bilayer quantum Hall systems
Zero-bias conductance in carbon nanotube quantum dots
Zero-bias conductance peak and Josephson effect in graphene-NbTiN junctions
Zero-bias conductance peak split in d-wave superconductors: Derivation of the universal magnetic field dependence
Zero-bias conductance peak splitting due to multiband effect in tunneling spectroscopy
Zero-Bias Conductance Through Side-Coupled Double Quantum Dots
Zero-bias molecular electronics: Exchange-correlation corrections to Landauer's formula
Zero-bias spin separation
Zero-Bias States and the Mechanism of the Surface d->d+is Transition
Zero-bias transport anomaly in metallic nanobridges: Magnetic field dependence and universal conductance fluctuations
Zero-bias tunneling anomaly in a clean 2D electron gas caused by smooth density variations
Zero-cell photonic crystal nanocavity laser with quantum dot gain
Zero-conductance resonances and spin-filtering effects in ring conductors subject to Rashba coupling
Zero-Conductance Resonances due to Flux States in Nanographite Ribbon Junctions
Zero-crossing Shapiro steps in focused-ion-beam-tailored high-$T_c$ superconducting microstructures
Zero-dimensional spin accumulation and spin dynamics in a mesoscopic metal island
Zero-Dimensional Superconducting Fluctuations and Fluctuating Diamagnetism in Lead Nanoparticles
Zero-energy Andreev surface bound states in the lattice model
Zero-energy edge states and chiral symmetry breaking at edges of graphite sheets