Zeeman ratchets: pure spin current generation in mesoscopic conductors with non-uniform magnetic fields
Zeeman slowers made simple with permanent magnets in a Halbach configuration
Zeeman smearing of the Coulomb blockade
Zeeman splitting in ballistic hole quantum wires
Zeeman splitting of interacting two-dimensional electrons with two effective masses
Zeeman splitting of shallow donors in GaN
Zeeman splitting of zero-bias anomaly in Luttinger liquids
Zeeman-driven Lifshitz transition: A scenario for the Fermi-surface reconstruction in YbRh2Si2
Zel'dovich-Starobinsky Effect in Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates: Analogy to Kerr Black Hole
Zener double exchange from local valence fluctuations in magnetite
Zener quantum dot spin filter in a carbon nanotube
Zener Transitions Between Dissipative Bloch Bands
Zener transitions between dissipative Bloch bands. II: Current Response at Finite Temperature
Zener Tunneling Between Landau Orbits in a High-Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
Zener tunneling in two-dimensional photonic lattices
Zener tunneling isospin Hall effect in HgTe quantum wells and graphene multilayers
Zeno and anti-Zeno dynamics in spin-bath models
Zeno physics in ultrastrong circuit QED
Zeno Quantum Gates in Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Zero and finite temperature mean field study of magnetic field induced electric polarization in Ba2CoGe2O7