muSR and NMR in f-electron non-Fermi liquid materials
MuSR and SQUID Investigation of Superconductivity in (NH_3)_0.75NaK_2C_60
muSR in Ce_{1-x}La_xAl_3: anisotropic Kondo effect?
muSR investigation of magnetism and magnetoelectric coupling in Cu2OSeO3
muSR linewidth and isotropic pairing in superconducting PrOs4Sb12
MuSR studies of RE(O,F)FeAs (RE = La, Nd, Ce) and LaOFeP systems: possible incommensurate/stripe magnetism and superfluid density
muSR study of carbon-doped MgB2 superconductors
muSR study of the Cu-spin dynamics in the electron-doped high-Tc cuprate of Pr0.86LaCe0.14Cu1-y(Zn,Ni)yO4
Mutagenesis and Metallic DNA
Mutarotational Kinetics and Glass Transition of Lactose
Mutation of Andreev into Majorana bound states in long NS and SNS junctions
Mutation-Selection Balance: Ancestry, Load, and Maximum Principle
Mutifractal Analysis of Broadly Distributed Observables at Criticality
Mutual Chern-Simons theory for Z_2 topological order
Mutual Chern-Simons Theory of Spontaneous Vortex Phase
Mutual Composite Fermion and composite Boson approaches to balanced and imbalanced bilayer quantum Hall system: an electronic analogy of the Helium 4 system
Mutual composite fermions in double layer quantum Hall system
Mutual Coupling of two Semiconductor Quantum Dots via an Optical Nanocavity Mode
Mutual enhancement of different doping mechanisms in the development of ferromagnetism in Al-doped MgO nanoparticles
Mutual Exclusion Statistics Between Quasiparticles in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect