Joule heating induced negative differential resistance in free standing metallic carbon nanotubes
Joule heating of dilute 2D holes in a GaAs quantum well
Joule-assisted silicidation for short-channel silicon nanowire devices
Joule-Thomson coefficient of ideal anyons within fractional exclusion statistics
Journey of an intruder through the fluidisation and jamming transitions of a dense granular media
JPRS report: Science and technology. Central Eurasia: Engineering and equipment
Jumps in current-voltage characteristics in disordered films
Junction between surfaces of two topological insulators
Junction of several weakly interacting quantum wires: a renormalization group study
Junctions of anyonic Luttinger wires
Junctions of one-dimensional quantum wires - correlation effects in transport
Junctions of Spin-Incoherent Luttinger Liquids with Ferromagnets and Superconductors
Junctions of three quantum wires
Junctions of three quantum wires and the dissipative Hofstadter model
Junctions of three quantum wires for spin 1/2 electrons
JuNoLo - Julich Non Local code for parallel calculation of vdW-DF nonlocal density functional theory
Justification for the composite fermion picture
Justification of Power-Law Canonical Distributions Based on Generalized Central Limit Theorem
Justification of Sexual Reproduction by Modified Penna Model of Ageing
Justification of the effective fractional Coulomb energy and the extended Brinkman-Rice picture